MEMORANDUM is a proud member of ELEVATE Greece!

The technological innovation but also the prospects of rapid escalation of MEMORANDUM are the two key elements that led to its membership in ELEVATE Greece.

Serving as a gateway, ELEVATE Greece is the official platform and the leading resource for in depth information on the Greek Startup ecosystem. It is an initiative launched by the Greek Government and intended to identify promising startups and support their growth, while nurturing a robust innovation ecosystem.

It aims at the strengthening, development and extroversion of Greek start-ups.

The platform includes companies that meet two key characteristics: a) innovation and b) scalability, and are judged by reputable evaluators in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship.

It aims to monitor their progress based on specific KPIs, to support them with benefits and advantages while operating as a pole of attraction for investors, both from Greece and abroad!

An ecosystem for Startups that leads Greece to European paths of development and business support.

An ecosystem that MEMORANDUM proudly participates in!

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